Baseline analysis to prepare the grounds for effective implementation:

The WP aims at aims at:
a) Assessing the available resources and modules on BMS
b) Assessing training needs for staff at JO HEIs
c) Organizin national workshop for stakeholders in the health sector
d) Identifying EU best practices in delevering iBSc programs in BMS.

Time frame: 15-1-2020 to 15-10-2020


The surveys are expected to investigate the university facilities, and the current modules/courses in BMS at each JO HEI. A workshop for health care stakeholders in Jordan should be organized. The objective of the workshop is to assess the needs in medical education among stakeholders. At the end of the workshop, stakeholders are expected to complete the survey on the needs in medical education. Three general reports should be produced. The first report should summarize the results on available resources and modulus in BMS at each JO HEIs. The second report should identify the training needs of the JO staff on skills and competences in BMS. The third report is the the Cross-country research report, which is expected to present an overview of the EU iBSc programs and the results of the research activities and combining them will draw conclusions for guiding the development phase of the project. A webinar on Bologna process should be organized to all JO partners to famialrize them with EU education system.

- D1.1 Surveys on available resources and courses
- D1.2 Reports on available resources and modules on BMS
- D1.3 Workshop for health care stakeholders
- D1.4 Report on Training needs of JO staff
- D1.5 Report on EU Best practices in developing and implementing iBSc programs
- D1.6. Webinar on Bologna process

Project Workpackges